Now There Are Petitions To Pull Game Of Thrones Showrunners From Star Wars Movie


Now There Are Petitions To Pull Game Of Thrones Showrunners From Star Wars Movie

You could start a petition to end petitions, but if it's as successful as any of the other recent petitions, I'd say don't bother. Game of Thrones critics launched a petition to remake Season 8 with "competent writers," a clear shot at showrunners/writers David Benioff and Dan Weiss. That petition has more than 1.5 million signatures and counting, even though Game of Thrones is now over and HBO has no intention of remaking anything.

Fans are signing to make the point. And now some of the same fans may be making the same point for Star Wars.

While Game of Thrones' controversial final season was airing, Disney boss Bob Iger confirmed the next Star Wars movie after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker would be from Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. That was great news to Rian Johnson critics, but bad news to D&D critics. (Everyone's a critic!)

Since petitions are the new normal -- and more about gathering like-minded people to vent shared frustrations rather than an actual expectation for change -- you can now find several petitions to stop the Game of Thrones showrunners from making the next Star Wars film. Some of the petitions may be competing with each other for attention -- I see at least two over at, one has nearly 11,000 signatures and the other only 616 so far -- and nobody has picked up viral steam at this point. I was minding my own business when Care2 sent me an email about a fan's new petition specifically to Disney CEO Bob Igner, asking Disney to choose someone else to do the next Star Wars movie. So far, that petition has close to 5,000 signatures.

Most petitions don't get the attention of that Game of Thrones one. Even the one to Disney to rehire James Gunn, which you could consider to be a success even if it didn't play a direct role in his rehiring, didn't have THIS many signatures. You have to admit the timing is a bit awkward for that incredibly popular petition to be followed by the Star Wars movie announcement. Then again, with the GoT showrunners and Rian Johnson in contention for the next Star Wars movie, there was no Option B -- the choice was going to be controversial. At least Rian Johnson critics are happy with the choice of D&D for the next Star Wars movie. They seem to have few major complaints about the final season of Game of Thrones vs. the continued airing of grievances over Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

There's a 0.0% chance fans won't have major criticisms on how Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ends the Skywalker Saga. The more people care about something, the more passionate the pro and con reactions. It's actually kind of amazing there wasn't more criticism for Avengers: Endgame. Not to say fans didn't speak up, and some are still debating the logistics of the time travel elements, but there was no massive backlash. Usually something so popular has a correlating backlash to balance, at least these days, but it's rare and wonderful when the majority of fans are content.

As the sun now stands, we don't know if David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are making all three Star Wars movies that were recently scheduled, or just the first one. It could be those dates are being held for their potential trilogy. Or their movie could still be followed by something from Rian Johnson. Nothing has been confirmed on that front yet, and there's a lot of time for things to move around the schedule.

In the meantime, the first live-action Star Wars series, The Mandalorian, is set to debut on Disney+ in November, followed by Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker in theaters in December. Keep up with all of the Star Wars release dates with our handy guide.


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