Tom Holland Wasn’t Trusted With An Avengers: Endgame Script


Tom Holland Wasn’t Trusted With An Avengers: Endgame Script
Avengers: infinity War Tom Holand standing on Titan in his Iron Spider armor

How bad at secret-keeping do you have to be not to get a complete script to the film you’re shooting? Apparently, the answer is Tom Holland, as the Avengers: Endgame actor was never given an entire copy of the script to this month’s mega-blockbuster event. While that may sound like an exercise in overkill, let’s recap some of the big spoilers that Holland dropped to get this level of notoriety.

In the most notable instances of spoiling the MCU for the masses, we’ve seen Tom Holland tell an audience about to watch Avengers: Infinity War that he was alive, in a joking reference to the fact that Spider-Man literally bit the dust in that very film. Not to mention, there was that time that he alluded to the potential Quantum Realm fix in Avengers: Endgame long before any of those cool new “space suits” came into play. And if you needed any other basis for just how many secrets could have slipped out in addition to those that Holland already put into the world, let’s not forget that there’s a montage of Benedict Cumberbatch being a pretty good goal-keeper when paired with Spider-Man: Far From Home’s rather talkative star.

With all of those secrets scattered like Avenger dust to the wind, it’s apparently came to Joe and Anthony Russo having to withhold the whole script to Avengers: Endgame. And we only know this because in a recent interview, Joe himself admitted it as follows:

Yeah, Tom Holland does not get the script. Tom Holland gets his lines and that’s it. He doesn’t even know who he’s acting opposite of. We’ll just, we use like very vague terms to describe to him what is happening in the scene, because he has a very difficult time keeping his mouth shut.

The fact that we have a whole list of times Tom Holland spoiled the MCU for fans says something about his eager, but kind-hearted tongue when it comes to the adventures of The Avengers. So this information straight from sounds pretty accurate. Which has us wondering, did Mark Ruffalo get a copy of the script for Avengers: Endgame?

If Tom Holland isn’t trusted with an entire script, than surely Ruffalo's done enough to get himself exiled into spoiler corner. Between his Livestream incident during the Thor: Ragnarok premiere, and his own gaffes involving Avengers: Endgame, it’s gotten so bad that even Don Cheadle has brought attention to it. And by bring attention to, we mean may or may not be joking about not wanting to do press with him. How does that effect lunch breaks on the set?

With Avengers: Endgame only a mere couple of weeks away, it won’t be long before Tom Holland is let off the hook for the time being. It’s a pretty big event, and since he hasn’t had to memorize an entire script’s worth of information, he probably can’t tell us about his big team up with The Hulk for the third act save. That is, if that’s what happens in this next Avengers film, as we’re just kidding, and do not want Mr. Holland to take our word as gospel truth in any way, shape, or form.

Avengers: Endgame heads to theaters on April 26, with Spider-Man: Far From Home hitting theaters on July 3.


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