Avengers: Endgame Fan Reportedly Hospitalized For Uncontrollable Sobbing


Avengers: Endgame Fan Reportedly Hospitalized For Uncontrollable Sobbing
Avengers: Endgame Robert Downey Jr. Tony Stark Iron Man

If you found yourself sniffling through Avengers: Endgame, take heart. You were not alone. At least one fan even had to be hospitalized after reportedly feeling all of the feelings at once during a showing.

A 21-year-old woman in China was reportedly sobbing uncontrollably during a showing of Avengers: Endgame and afterward reported feeling short of breath, with her hands and feet numb. She went to the ER, and doctors said they believed she was suffering from hyperventilation. They gave her oxygen and she eventually recovered.

This unnamed woman is probably just embarrassed by all of the attention now, but her story -- reported to Chinanews.com (via MFMY News) -- is probably not that different from reactions around the globe.

Emotions are running high for Avengers: Endgame fans. China, in particular, seems to be the source of a lot of heightened activity. Endgame is breaking box office records everywhere -- think of a record and it will probably break it if it hasn't done so already -- and that also includes China.

A man in Hong Kong reportedly wasn't so keen on team spirit and shouted some Endgame spoilers to people waiting in line to buy tickets at the movie theater. He was reportedly beaten for those spoilers, with fan reaction to that beating seeming divided.

People are just feeling a lot of things about Endgame, and that includes the stars themselves. Chris Evans (Steve Rogers/Captain America) said at last Monday's Avengers 4 premiere that he "cried like six times" watching the movie. He may have been exaggerating, but it's equally believable that he meant it. There's no shame in it.

Since Avengers: Endgame is playing on a record number of screens, fans who've already seen the movie in sold-out showings are already managing to get tickets to return. And they are crying all over again. It's the end of an era, and it's good to feel that. It would be sad if you felt nothing after that three-hour run (besides perhaps an urge to pee, or irritation with your fellow moviegoers, if you too had to sit next to an extremely loud laugher whose guffaws drowned out most of the post-joke lines).

We'll have our full box office rundown up later today (Sunday, April 28) but don't be shocked to see $1 billion in headlines for the global opening weekend gross. That's enough to send Disney execs sobbing with joy. (Like they need the money.) Fans seem to love the movie, with opening night moviegoers grading it with an A+ and CinemaBlend readers seeming to agree with our own poll.

Just don't forget: Take a deep breath, it's only a movie. And there will be more to come as the MCU continues with Spider-Man: Far From Home and Phase 4.


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