Looks Like The Oscars Might Stay Hostless For A While

Looks Like The Oscars Might Stay Hostless For A While
Spike Lee at 2019 Oscars

Nobody knew quite what to expect going into this year's Academy Awards telecast as the show would be going without a host for the first time in years. However, most would probably agree that the show went pretty well, all things considered, and a significant ratings jump for the show would seem to indicate the audience was into the idea. Now it looks like the hostless show worked out so well, that the Oscars could end up sticking with that format for the foreseeable future.

The head of ABC Entertainment Karey Burke, the network that has the deal to broadcast the show until 2028, tells Deadline that the network was happy with this year's show, and has no interest in changing next year's show. According to Burke...

I believe we will not mess with that format to the best of our ability. We're extremely proud of how the show turned out creatively.

Going without a host for this year's Oscars was never the intention, but after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences made the decision to remove Kevin Hart as host amid controversy, it seems the Oscars organization was simply unable to find a replacement. The lack of host was a necessity, but one that ended up working out largely in the show's favor.

Of course, just because ABC is ok with there not being a host doesn't mean for certain that's the way things will go. The host is actually hired by the Academy, and while ABC certainly has some influence over how the show goes, the Academy doesn't have to listen. The word is ABC was the force behind some of the recently  proposed changes, like a new "popular film" Oscar, and while that idea was not implemented this year, it doesn't mean it might not be incorporated in the future.

This year's Oscars received a 12% increase in viewership over the previous telecast which hit an all-time low in the ratings. While it's hard to know for sure exactly why more people tuned in for this year's show, it's certainly understandable that ABC would be afraid to change anything for fear of losing that ratings boost.

Of course, at the same time, it's unlikely that we'll simply be getting a carbon copy of this year's Oscars over and over again into the future. While this year might have seen a much needed ratings bump, it doesn't mean this year's ratings were all that impressive. ABC is going to want to build on the success, not simply let it ride.

I'm certainly in the camp of people who wouldn't mind seeing the show stay without a host. As a movie fan, I'm there for the awards and anything that helps to keep them front and center is a good thing. I'd rather the winners be given every possible second of time to give their speeches. While there's nothing wrong with having a host, this year's show did make it clear that one isn't needed, which at least leaves that option open if the right host isn't available.

X-Force: What We Know So Far

X-Force: What We Know So Far
domino deadpool bedlam deadpool 2

Warning: Spoilers for Deadpool 2 are in play. Details from the new sequel will be discussed in this guide. So if you're not up to date on the latest film, bookmark this page for future enjoyment.

Much as any superhero franchise has the potential to do, Deadpool 2 opens the world of Fox's Marvel-verse up to some wider mutant fun. In particular, it brings the likes of the X-Force to living, breathing life, as only the world of Wade Wilson's merc-with-a-mouth could. "A super duper fucking group" that's "tough, morally flexible, and young enough to carry their own franchise for 10 to 12 years," the X-Force looks ready to save the day by time the credits have rolled on Deadpool's latest adventure.

But what is the X-Force? Also, who are the X-Force? Better still... why is the X-Force? Yes, that's a gag left over from the Avengers: Infinity War coverage, but those questions still stand, as this new group is gearing up to branch out into a potentially lucrative hub franchise of their own. With this first movie comes a lot of questions, and a potentially new team, all influenced by the comic past of the X-Force.

What Is The X-Force Release Date?

An official release date for X-Force has not been set just yet, but there are plenty of opportunities for the film, as Fox has spots staked out for untitled Marvel projects as early as June 7, 2019. That date seems way too early for X-Force to be released, barring some sort of surprise announcement after Deadpool 2's opening numbers are tallied, but even the next spot on the untitled Fox/Marvel calendar, November 22nd, 2019, seems a bit rushed. If we were to make an educated guess, we'd say 2020 would be the year for X-Force's debut, with June 26th, 2020 being the most likely date for the film's release.

Who Is Directing X-Force?

With a big comic book movie comes a director's chair that's waiting to be filled by one simultaneously lucky / unlucky individual. In the case of X-Force, that Schrodinger's director would be writer/director Drew Goddard. Goddard's best known as a writer on such shows as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Lost, and Alias, as well as the co-writer / director of the cult hit The Cabin In The Woods. This gig is his second directing job with Fox, as his film Bad Times At The El Royale marks the first time he's helmed a picture under their watch. An irreverent streak runs through his work, which is perfect for bringing Deadpool's X-Force into reality.

Who Is Writing X-Force?

Originally, Blumhouse's Truth or Dare director Jeff Wadlow was developing X-Force into a motion picture. However, after Deadpool became the smash success that it was, Fox switched gears and handed the project off to other writers, in hopes of better integrating Wade Wilson into the team's ranks. After Wadlow's departure, Joe Carnahan took over and contributed a draft of X-Force, but even he found himself ousted in time, and rightfully so. The current writer on X-Force is none other than its director, Drew Goddard, and seeing as he's already invested in the universe as a consultant on Deadpool 2, it makes sense for him to follow through.

What Will X-Force Be Rated?

Typically, a comic book movie finds itself squarely within the walls of the PG-13 box that the genre has made its home in historically. However, with Deadpool's mega success, the concept of an R-rated superhero film has gained a lot of traction, so whomever sits in the decision making chair won't have a hard time pushing for a hard R bonanza. Ultimately, as Ryan Reynolds has sworn in the past and affirmed in the present, it's all about what X-Force's story requires -- though as a matter of presence, he's in the R-rated camp as well.

What Will X-Force Be About?

At the moment, there's no concrete notes as to what X-Force will be about. The Cable-centric draft of the film's script has already been worked over by two sets of writers, allowing for a more Deadpool inclusive version of the story. Based off of the end of Deadpool 2, whatever the X-Force team will face, it'll be right in line with their slightly dirtier methods of world saving. Don't count out the continuation of Cable's story, though, as his time travel device is now fixed, and there are sure to be more adventures across the seas of time ahead of our heroes.

X-Force In The Comics

Created by Rob Liefeld in 1991, the X-Force was a new group formed with members of the New Mutants group. Using a more black ops / military style approach to solving their problems, the team formed by Cable was intended to be an edgier sort of X-Men franchise in the world of Marvel Comics. The original run ran from 1991 to 2001, with several other runs occurring up until the present day. The line-up has changed over the years, with even Cable eventually no longer being part of the group, and proper X-Men like Wolverine and Cyclops being part of the team for various stints.


The merc with the mouth, the smartassed badass, and a unicorn's best friend. These are all of the ways that Wade Wilson can be described, as the killer for hire turned mutant Freddy Kruger is as quick with his quips as he is with his katanas. As the leader of the X-Force, Ryan Reynolds' super-duper hero will obviously still be front and center for the new film. But with the more ensemble-focused approach for X-Force, he may actually sink into the background a little, adding humor when needed.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead

While her given name is Ellie Phimister, we'd like to think that if you called her anything other than "Negasonic Teenage Warhead," she'd blast you away with her atomic voodoo. Brianna Hildebrand's origin story sidekick from Deadpool is part of the X-Men team, and declines to join up with the X-Force at the end of Deadpool 2, favoring the X-Men team instead. It still wouldn't be surprising if she decided to jump in at the right moment and save the day, giving Wade Wilson more reason to love and despise her as a friend.


When it comes to Domino's abilities and survival skills, it's best that you heed one rule: never tell her the odds. No, seriously, don't waste your breath, because she doesn't care. She doesn't have to ,either, as her powers can literally alter probability to side in her favor. Played by Zazie Beetz in Deadpool 2, she's another member of the X-Force team that seems pretty likely to turn up in the team's ensemble adventure. Not only does she survive the events of this latest film, but she's bound to be a fan favorite that folks will demand shows up to the battle in X-Force.


A time traveler from the future who sent himself back to our time, Cable was set to kill Firefist in order to prevent his family's death. With that whole scenario avoided now, there's an open road of destiny for the son of Scott "Cyclops" Summers and Jean Grey's clone, Madelyne Pryor. Though, considering the man also known as Nathan Summers came back from a war-torn future, there's always the possibility that he'll need to get a crew together to prevent whatever horrific fate falls upon the Earth.


When you hear that someone can mess with electricity, you'd be poised to make as many jokes with the word "shocking" in them as you can. If you did that around Terry Crews's Bedlam, you'd be lucky if you remembered even making that mistake. Being able to manipulate electromagnetic impulses, due to his constant generation of said energy, he can really do a number on his foes and his microwave. At least, he would have been able to if he'd survived his first X-Force jump in Deadpool 2. One strong wind was all it took to put him into a public transit windshield, so it looks like he's not going to be in on the spin-off.


Acid blood and vomit are not only intensely cinematic powers, they're also absurdly dangerous to the hero that possesses them and any team they're on. Zeitgeist is a perfect example of a mutant that needs a bit more handling with care, rather than just being hired randomly off of a Craigslist ad. And, he not only winds up in a wood-chipper in Deadpool 2, but he also ends up killing Peter when he gets shredded. Seeing as Bill Skarsgard's schedule is about to get busy with IT: Chapter 2 filming, and the fact that it'd be impossible to put him back together, Zeitgeist looks like he's a one-time deal on the X-Force.


As he was in the comic, Shatterstar was a founding member of the X-Force team in Deadpool 2. Bragging how he could do everything better than anyone, the alien mutant would have shown us his super strength, shockwave powers, and even teleporation abilities. We're saying this in the past tense because, much like most of his X-Force compatriots, Shatterstar met an untimely death, courtesy of a news helicopter's active blades, and some rough winds during the team's chopper jump.


He's an amateur bee-keeper, a killer regional sales manager for Excalibur Cutlery Co., and now a full-fledged X-Force member! And yet, Peter W., played by Catastrophe's Rob Delaney, doesn't have any powers. Merely reading the Craigslist ad and interviewing got him the gig, and it paid off, as Peter got to do something most people don't ever dream of: he was saved from dying a second time, thanks to Deadpool's adventures through time. Not only is Peter a possible X-Force team member for the long haul, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick think that he could be worthy of his own spin-off. If they had the right idea, we'd totally watch Peter sell some knives, and possibly use them on his foes.

How Will X-Force Affect Deadpool 3?

As far as all of the talk surrounding X-Force is concerned, this project will be more akin to an Avengers film, as it's an "ensemble" piece, according to Rhett Reese. In terms of how Deadpool 3 fits into the mix, X-Force is definitely next in line when it comes to Wade Wilson's adventures. Though, already it's been noted in further comments by Reese that Deadpool 3 would dial back down the scope of Wade Wilson's adventures, making him the center of attention once again. Deadpool 3 isn't a given, especially considering Ryan Reynolds and Rhett Reese's differing viewpoints on the project. It's comforting to know that we're at least guaranteed another shot of Deadpool action with X-Force, but he'll have to share his snacks with the rest of the class.

What Other Members Could Join X-Force?

By the end of Deadpool 2, there's an X-Force team already in place. While it's not a completely traditional team, nor is it a completely mutant team, there's a good chance that Colossus and Dopinder from the Deadpool movies could be on the team as full time members. Also, much like her girlfriend Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Yukio could find herself going back on her pledge to be more of an X-Men style hero, and join the grittier team of the X-Force in the nick of time. At this point, anyone could join the X-Force, especially when you factor in the presence of the New Mutants.

How Could New Mutants Affect X-Force?

The original Jeff Wadlow draft of X-Force focused on Cable assembling the team from members of the New Mutants, while at the same time working Deadpool into the structure of that ensemble. While the X-Force's current incarnation has Deadpool front and center, forming the team himself, there's still a chance that this film and next year's New Mutants could cross paths. While Fox's Marvel-verse is somewhat cohesive, at the very least in the way of other timelines and universes as per Deadpool's "Stewart or McAvoy" crack in Deadpool,

Fox could still continue to stitch their loosely adjacent universe together by bringing some of those new mutants from New Mutants into the game, especially considering that Wolfsbane and Cannonball are both in New Mutants, while also being eventual members of X-Force in the comics. Marvel / Fox's Mutant-verse could be tied together, with X-Force and Deadpool as the lynch-pin, with New Mutants and X-Men being support. Now that Cable's time travel device has been fixed, there's a chance that he can go back in time to meet with the New Mutants, recruiting for the X-Force team worthy of saving the future once and for all.

Kevin Feige Explains Why Captain Marvel Wasn’t Given A Love Interest

Kevin Feige Explains Why Captain Marvel Wasn’t Given A Love Interest
Captain Marvel in Endgame's trailer

Spoilers ahead for Carol Danvers' origin story.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is an ever expanding place, and the stakes couldn't be higher at the moment. Captain Marvel has finally arrived, and has made a ton of money in theaters. After years of waiting, Brie Larson's Carol Danvers has joined the massive shared universe, and she'll crossover with the rest of The Avengers when Endgame arrives next month.

Captain Marvel's brief scene in the final Endgame trailer shows her interacting with Chris Hemsworth's Thor, with the two powerful heroes having a silent standoff of some kind. He eventually says he likes her, and some Marvel fans have been hoping that the duo might have a romantic connection in the upcoming blockbuster. But Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige recently addressed the lack of a love story in Captain Marvel, saying:

Well that was something as we were developing the script and queuing off of the comics as always, it never even occurred to have a love interest. That's not what the movie was about. It was about Carol finding herself and growing and making mistakes and being bolstered up by her female mentors and female friends. And that relationship with Maria was very important.

It looks like Carol Danvers was always going to fly solo in Captain Marvel. Instead of navigating a romantic connection on top of her memory loss, Captain Marvel focused on its title character's interpersonal relationships with her friends, and her former Kree allies.

Kevin Feige's comments to ScreenRant show that Captain Marvel was never going to be a love story. Kevin Feige previously promised that the movie would be a new type of origin story, and the project ultimately did just that. Carol's fractured memory served as the backdrop behind her journey on Earth, and she had a unique family unit with Maria and Monica Rambeau. Their connection was the heart of the movie, so there was no need to get Captain Marvel all dewey eyed about a boy.

If Carol Danvers was given a love interest in Captain Marvel, the movie would have been closer to the origin stories from back in Phase One. Iron Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, and Captain America: The First Avenger all saw the title character fall in love, while also becoming a superhero. It would have been too by the numbers to have Captain Marvel follow suit, especially when Phase Three has been such an ambitious and artistic set of films.

But just because Carol Danvers doesn't have a love interest yet doesn't mean that it can't occur sometime in the future. Captain Marvel has had romantic storylines in the comics, after all. As for those rumors about Thor in Endgame, the God of Thunder has been single for a while now. So who knows?

Captain Marvel is in theaters now, and she'll return to the MCU when Avengers: Endgame arrives on April 26th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

The Greatest Showman Soundtrack Was The Best Selling Album In The World In 2018

The Greatest Showman Soundtrack Was The Best Selling Album In The World In 2018
The Greatest Showman

If Kidz Bop proved anything, it’s that you can never underestimate the power and appeal of music you can sing along to. The Greatest Showman released in theaters all the way back in December of 2017 and the musical’s powerful earworms held sway over the charts all of last year. So much so that The Greatest Showman Soundtrack was the best selling album in the world in 2018.

The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, an organization that represents the recorded music industry worldwide, tracks the sales of both physical and digital albums to rank the best-selling albums of the year. According to Billboard, the IFPI has announced that with 3.5 million units sold, The Greatest Showman Original Motion Picture Soundtrack was the best-selling album in the world in 2018.

The Atlantic Records release topped the charts in Japan and the English-speaking countries of the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom, where the soundtrack spent 28 straight weeks at No. 1 on the albums chart. Even now, 63 weeks later, The Greatest Showman (OST) is still at No. 4 in the U.K. The soundtrack also managed to hit No. 1 on iTunes in more than 77 countries, showing the worldwide appeal of the film’s music and message.

This level of success defied expectations and was a pleasant surprise according to the CEO of recorded music at Warner Music Group, who cited the soundtrack’s success as a triumph of the music, the marketing, and the fans. The Greatest Showman soundtrack also bucked the trend with, in this streaming and digital download age, about half of its sales coming from physical formats.

To land at No. 1 on IFPI’s charts, The Greatest Showman soundtrack beat out two albums from K-Pop supergroup BTS as well as the likes of Johnny Halladay, Ed Sheeran and Eminem. The Greatest Showman soundtrack wasn’t the only feature film soundtrack to crack the top 10 though.

Sitting at No. 4 with 1.9 million units sold is superstar Lady Gaga’s soundtrack for A Star is Born. Bohemian Rhapsody was the most successful musical film of last year and Queen’s album for the mega-hit also landed on IFPI’s chart at No. 7 with 1.2 million units sold. Rounding out the top 10 was the soundtrack for Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again with 900K sold.

We had already heard that the soundtrack for The Greatest Showman was the best-selling album of the year domestically but this latest news shows that the appeal of that film and its music was truly global. The incredible success of the soundtrack for The Greatest Showman is reflective of the success of the film itself. Despite never hitting No. 1 at the box office, The Greatest Showman sung and danced its way to around $435 million worldwide. It even had special sing-a-long screenings and a cover album.

Clearly this music connected with people in a major way to the point that they not only wanted to listen to it, they wanted to own it. And in an era where you have an all-you-can-eat musical buffet with streaming, that is saying something.

Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for all the latest movie news you can dance to and check out our 2019 Release Schedule to see the biggest movies headed to theaters this year.

What Is Disney Movie Club? Is It Worth It?

What Is Disney Movie Club? Is It Worth It?
Disney Movie Club Logo

Disney has a lot going on at the movies right now. With Avengers: Endgame well on its way to becoming the highest-grossing film of all time, along with Aladdin, The Lion King, Toy Story 4, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Frozen 2, and several more titles expected to make a whole lot moolah along the way, it is no surprise that Disney is finding more and more ways to allow movie-lovers to explore the ever-evolving archive of movies.

With a treasure trove of movies available under Disney's reliable name, there is no shortage of great movies available through Disney. With that in mind, would it be worth securing a membership to Disney Movie Club? Let's take a look at what the service offers.

How Does Disney Movie Club Work?

Through Disney Movie Club, you sign up to join a membership program that allows you to buy Disney movies on both DVD and Blu-ray at a discounted price. The general gist goes like this: Through the service, you get four movies for $1 each, plus free shipping. Sounds pretty sweet, right? From there, you will have two years to buy five more movies at regular price. Every four weeks, you'll be sent a feature Disney movie, which you are allowed to choose or skip according to your preferences.

When you sign up, you get the choice of whether you want to receive Blu-rays or DVDs. DVDs are typically priced around $19.95, while Blu-rays are often $29.95. It should be noted, when you sign up newer releases might not be included as "available" sections. Though they typically become available a few months after their original release date. Once they do become available, the new releases should be counted towards your commitment.

What Does Disney Movie Club Cost?

While there isn't exactly a set price for the Disney Movie Club, you can figure out what you're spending if you do a quick number crunch. As it was mentioned earlier, if you pay for a Blu-ray, that's roughly $30 for a title. Through Disney Movie Club, you're expected to get around nine movies before you can call it quits. So, you're looking to spend about $149.75 (plus taxes, most likely) for the service, at the very least. That's not counting the dollar you'd spend for the initial four-movie bundle you'll get when you start, of course.

What Is Disney Movie Club VIP?

After your commitment and your membership agreement has been fulfilled, you will automatically be enrolled in the Disney Movie Club VIP program. Through the VIP membership, you will be eligible for even more special deals, offers and discounts, including some benefits that are only available through this service. These deals will become known to the costumer in full once they become VIP members. But it should be noted that if you become a VIP member, you will still need to respond to Feature Title offers to accept and decline as you would through the normal membership.

Can You Cancel Disney Movie Club?

Yes. If you want to cancel your Disney Movie Club membership, what you need to do is call a Disney Movie Club cast member at the following number: 1-800-362-4587. From there, you would tell them that you wish to cancel your Disney Movie Club membership. There is a Disney movie cast member who will be able to help you between the hours of 9 AM to 9 PM Monday-through-Friday, Eastern Time.

And it should be noted that you will want to be as clear and concise as possible, to make sure it's known that cancelling your membership is your final decision. Also, be sure to save your confirmation that your membership is cancelled. There should be a letter sent in the mail that confirms that your membership has been terminated.

What Credit Card Payments Are Accepted For Disney Movie Club?

In order to pay for a membership through the phone or online, you must use a credit card. The service accepts all the following credit card companies: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card. Other credit card services are not likely to be accepted, though you can check with your local company or with a representative with Disney Movie Club to make sure that's the case.

Should You Get Disney Movie Club?

It's ultimately up-to-you, but if you're a Disney movie lover and you buy most of the studio's movies anyway, it's not a bad deal. If you're someone who only get a Disney title like, say, a Frozen DVD or Avengers: Infinity War on Blu-ray here-and-there, though, it might not be entirely worth your while. Regardless, if you have the disposal income to buy a lot of movies on DVD and Blu-ray, particularly if you pride yourself in your Disney collection and you're always making sure you fill your shelf space with the latest movie titles from the Mouse House, you would probably get a good deal out of this service, truth be told. Look into it.

Nevertheless, if you are a bargain hunter, and you want to get the best deals you can on these movies, you might want to give it a second look. As I mentioned earlier, if you're simply trying to get the best deal on The Lion King DVD or another one-off title, you'll be better off trying to find the movie elsewhere. This is a service that rewards you for spending full value on select titles, staying true to your brand commitment, and buying several titles from the Disney archive. Like we said earlier, it depends on what you want. If you buy a lot of Disney DVDs/Blu-rays, you might be getting a lot of bang for your buck. But if you just want to shop for some good deals on popular movie titles, there are certainly other alternatives.

It should also be noted there are a few Disney titles that appear to be available only through the Disney Movie Club, though it's unclear if that will change once Disney+ allows viewers to watch a number of different titles through the newfound streaming service. In any case, there are definitely advantages and disadvantages to getting Disney Movie Club. Weigh your options based and make the decision that works best for you. To learn more about Disney Movie Club, head here.

Johnny Depp Allegedly Asked Warner Bros. Boss To Fire Amber Heard From Aquaman

Johnny Depp Allegedly Asked Warner Bros. Boss To Fire Amber Heard From Aquaman
Aquaman Jason Momoa Amber Heard Mera Warner Bros. DCEU DC

Johnny Depp's $50 million defamation suit against Amber Heard alleged her words got him fired from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Now a completely separate lawsuit from Depp against his former lawyer alleges Depp tried to get Heard fired from Aquaman.

Johnny Depp is alleged to have personally asked former Warner Bros. chairman Kevin Tsujihara to remove Amber Heard from her role as Mera in DC's Aquaman, and also block her from getting other WB projects.

What's interesting is that Kevin Tsujihara is the one who was recently ousted, although he did get to resign, after a casting couch sexual misconduct scandal.

Johnny Depp filed this initial lawsuit against former attorney Jake Bloom in 2017, THR reports, claiming Bloom collected more than $30 million in fees without a signed contract. Bloom countersued, and Amber Heard only got her name brought in when Bloom's attorney, Bryan Freedman, brought up how Depp's team had started to accuse Bloom's side of "malpractice in connection with Depp's divorce from Amber Heard."

In part, Johnny Depp's lawsuit claimed that Jake Bloom gave Depp bad advice regarding the actor's split with Amber Heard. But Bloom reportedly isn't the only one who advised Depp to settle with Heard, just the only one being sued right now, which is apparently why so many of Depp's former advisors and lawyers were just asked to testify.

Johnny Depp's current lawyer, Adam Waldman, shared a statement with THR calling it bewildering that the Bloom side claims they've been accused of malpractice related to Amber Heard. They don't understand what evidence Heard's ex-boyfriend Elon Musk or former Warner Bros. boss Kevin Tsujihara could possibly present related to their $30 million legal malpractice suit.

Be that as it may, Elon Musk and Kevin Tsujihara are among the many who've been dragged into this and asked to give testimony.

Kevin Tsujihara will reportedly be asked to testify under oath on whether or not he played a role in trying to blacklist Amber Heard at Warner Bros. As THR noted, there's been no evidence presented yet that he tried to do so, and it would've been tough for even the studio chief to remove Heard from the role of Mera, since she already played it in Justice League. (They could've always recast the role, though, just like they could recast Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts if they wanted to.)

Amber Heard did previously allege that, following her split with Johnny Depp, "I lost a part for a movie in which I had already been cast." And she wrote in her op-ed piece -- the one Depp later sued her over -- that she was worried about being blacklisted.

Johnny Depp was also back in headlines recently when unnamed sources claimed Warner Bros. execs were worried about Depp continuing in the Fantastic Beasts franchise. That was in reaction to his other major lawsuit -- the $50 million defamation suit Depp filed against Amber Heard. He alleged her abuse allegations against him were a hoax.

Amber Heard recently responded to that defamation lawsuit with court documents describing the alleged abuse in graphic detail. The back-and-forth from the lawsuits is reportedly worrying to Warner Bros. execs, who manage both the Fantastic Beasts and DC/Aquaman franchises.

Johnny Depp previously sued his former business managers at The Management Group for more than $25 million, accusing them of fraud and negligence in mishandling his money; TMG then responded with a cross-complaint claiming that Depp's own overspending was the real problem. That lawsuit was reportedly settled in summer 2018.

Meanwhile, Amber Heard seems to be continuing on as Aquaman's (Jason Momoa) lady love Mera wherever Aquaman goes after the billion dollar success of the James Wan movie. She also has a role in the movie Gully, which is expected to premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 27. Johnny Depp appears to be continuing on as Gellert Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts franchise, which is filming Fantastic Beasts 3 in late fall, for a currently unknown release date.

Watch Zachary Levi Lose His Mind Over Shazam! Toys

Watch Zachary Levi Lose His Mind Over Shazam! Toys

The DC live-action universe has already had plenty of peaks and valleys, although things appear to be on the upswing. Warner Bros. is currently surfing on the massive success of James Wan's Aquaman, with a sequel and spinoff already being developed by the studio. The next release coming down the pipeline is Shazam! which looks to have a tone unique to anything else from the genre. Early reception for Shazam! has been overwhelmingly popular, especially focused on the performance by Zachary Levi as the title character.

Thor alum Zachary Levi is playing the superheroic half of Shazam, and must maintain a sense of childlike wonder throughout the upcoming blockbuster. Luckily, that doesn't seem to be much of a problem. Because the actor was recently given the chance to play with merchandise from the movie, and went bonkers with excitement. Check it out below.

I mean, come on. Just from this clip, you can see how Zachary Levi ended up being cast as the title character of Shazam! He's living his best life as a DC superhero, and is particularly tickled with all the merch in his likeness. Because who doesn't want to be an action figure?

The above video shows Zachary Levi feasting his eyes on Shazam! toys for the very first time. They include a large action figure, a smaller one, a chest plate, as well as his collectible Funko Pop doll. They all make Levi freak out for different reasons, and his excitement is a bit contagious. For instance, he seems pleased as punch that his action figure has plenty of points of articulation, and is super flexible. Meanwhile, merely having his own Funko Pop is giving the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel actor reason to cheer.

Zachary Levi also seems excited for how well his likeness was captured on his action figures. While toy faces can sometimes deviate from the real actor's appearance as they're produced in mass, Levi seems to think they nailed it for Shazam!'s toys. But perhaps the biggest reaction came from the Shazam chest plate, which makes noises and lights up, giving its owners the powers of lightning in the process.

Overall, this video just proves how Zachary Levi was the only choice to play the superheroic title character of Shazam! His childlike wonder was already obvious in the film's trailer, as 14 year old Billy Batson struggles with his myriad abilities. But acting jazzed about becoming a superhero might not have been much of a stretch for Levi, as he's been giddy throughout the process.

Luckily for the fans, Shazam! will arrive in theaters in about a month, so it won't be much longer to wait until Zachary Levi's DC debut finally arrives. Levi is no stranger to the superhero genre, having played Fandral in the last two Thor movies. But his character never really got fleshed out, so Levi was happy to be killed off in Ragnarok so he could pivot to DC and lead his very own franchise. Not a bad deal.

Shazam! will arrive in theaters on April 5th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

How Avengers: Endgame Could Set Up Hawkeye's Partnership With Kate Bishop

How Avengers: Endgame Could Set Up Hawkeye's Partnership With Kate Bishop
Kate Bishop Marvel Comics

With just weeks to go until Avengers: Endgame, more and more news about the film and what comes after is slowly but surely circulating the web. The latest is that Disney+ will reportedly have a Hawkeye series that will focus on the hero passing the torch to another character that some have speculated will appear in Avengers: Endgame for some time, Kate Bishop.

With reputable sources reporting Kate will be a part of the Hawkeye series, it's a possibility Marvel fans will get to see her first at some point in Avengers: Endgame. How this would go down, like most things about Avengers: Endgame at the moment, is a mystery, but here are some logical guesses that could predict how she's brought into the picture in the upcoming movie and how she links up with Clint Barton.

Kate Appears As An Adolescent

As we've mentioned in past coverage, there's something suspicious about that scene from the Avengers: Endgame trailer that shows Hawkeye training a young girl how to use a bow. While some have speculated this is his daughter, there are others who think it's actually a misdirection and that he's training a young Kate Bishop to be Hawkeye.

There's even a possibility it could be both, although there would be questions as to why Clint's daughter would be Kate Bishop and not Lila Barton. There are simple explanations for this that fans needn't get hung up on, and there's probably just as many scenarios in which these two have no relation and were brought together by circumstance. After all, quite a few kids surely lost parents in the snap, so perhaps Kate and Clint formed a bond through that.

One would assume that any scene with a young Kate Bishop in Avengers: Endgame wouldn't feature a ton of hero work, as her training to be Hawkeye is said to be a premise of the upcoming Disney + series. Therefore, if we do see Kate Bishop as a kid, don't expect a lot of ass-kicking. At least, not so much ass-kicking that she's already made hero status or something.

Kate Appears As An Adult

Regardless of whether Kate Bishop is the girl Hawkeye is teaching archery to or not in the trailer, it's also possible she's seen as an adult. Kate Bishop's origin typically starts with the Young Avengers, as she's a combat-skilled civilian and capable archer who sneaks onto the team by stealing the gear of Mockingbird and Hawkeye.

Things probably won't happen exactly like that in Avengers: Endgame, given the premise of the television show. That said, it's not an entirely impossible scenario as Hawkeye has traded out his gear for Ronin duds, and Kate could be an emboldened civilian wishing to help and stop feeling so helpless following the snap. A situation similar to her origin plays out where she takes Hawkeye's gear, but is sent away by the hero with a promise he'll train her later.

An adult version of Kate Bishop feels likely, especially given that we still don't know what Katherine Langford's role in Avengers: Endgame is. She has the look and the television experience thanks to her breakout role on the Netflix original series 13 Reasons Why to shoulder a lead role in the Hawkeye series. Introducing her in the film as Kate Bishop would be a subtle way to introduce her and promote the upcoming show which would explore more of her story.

Kate Appears As Hawkeye

Clint Barton's been separated from The Avengers from some time, so it's possible he may have been training Kate Bishop and none of Earth's Mightiest Heroes was aware of it. This would explain why he's Ronin now, as Bishop may already have the mantle of Hawkeye. It's a quick turnaround to create a hero, but when half of existence gets wiped out, one could imagine no one's complaining about beefing up the hero numbers a bit.

Should this be the case, there's a chance that the young girl shown with Hawkeye in the Avengers: Endgame trailer is not Kate Bishop. Some time will pass in Avengers: Endgame, but I would assume not so much that a child can go from middle-schooler to young adult. If that did happen, it could be because The Avengers used time travel and Hawkeye stayed behind to train Kate and keep the world safe in the time between the heroes traveling.

Which isn't a bad idea, because that leaves a gap of time for the Hawkeye series to take place. A series set within a timeline before the Avengers reset the events of the Snap would be cool to explore, and not entirely impossible to believe considering that Loki series could be a prequel. Not every Disney+ Marvel series necessarily has to take place post-Avengers: Endgame, so don't rule this one out as a possibility just yet.

Kate Appears As A Member Of Young Avengers

Another popular theory surrounding Avengers: Endgame is the possibility of a Quantum Realm-fueled jump into the future that puts the original Avengers face to face with The Young Avengers. There the team could meet Kate Bishop as the new Hawkeye and fight alongside her in battle. Once back in a present timeline, Clint realizes he needs to find that girl and train her to be the hero she could eventually become.

It's a far-reaching theory considering fans know nothing about the latter acts of the 3+ hour film that apparently won't have dull scenes for pee breaks, but there are some roots. Marvel's dropped breadcrumbs that imply an older Cassie Lang will appear as a hero, and she just so happens to be another key member of the Young Avengers alongside Kate Bishop. Now that Kate is confirmed to be a part of Marvel's future plans, this somewhat strengthens the theory.

We could speculate all day, but if there's one theory I'm feeling confident on, it's that Kate Bishop will appear in Avengers: Endgame in some way. Excluding her when there's a chance to promote the upcoming series with her appearance would be a mistake, and Marvel has been pretty good about cross promotion. Then again, the studio has somewhat dropped the ball on that in regards to television, but with Marvel Studios involved in these shows, things may be different.

The world will see if or how Kate Bishop appears in Avengers: Endgame when it premieres Thursday, April 25. Stick with CinemaBlend for all updates on the film and other entertainment news in the meantime.

Kevin Feige Says The ‘Real Mandarin’ Is Coming

Kevin Feige Says The ‘Real Mandarin’ Is Coming
Ben Kingsley as the mandarin in Iron Man 3

There may be no more controversial film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe than Iron Man 3. The film puts a significant twist on one of Iron Man's most well known adversaries from the comics, in a move that is either loved for the way it subverted expectations or hated for the way it subverted expectations.

However, for fans who were upset that they never got to see "real" Mandarin in Iron Man 3, it seems they may have a chance, as Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige has confirmed that, in some way, the 10 Rings terrorist organization, and its leader the Mandarin will be dealt with in the future of the MCU.

In Iron Man 3 we were introduced to Ben Kingsley as a character being called the Mandarin. One of Iron Man's best known villains, The Mandarin wears 10 rings on his fingers which give him special power because of the alien technology that formed them.

Kingsley was great in the role of the Mandarin, possibly perfect casting, but it turned out that the whole thing was a dodge, as the movie eventually revealed that Kingsley's character was actually that of an actor named Trevor Slattery who had been hired by Guy Pierce's Aldrich Killian. The entire concept of the Mandarin was a front to distract from Killian's actual plans.

However, the frustrations of fans who wanted to see the more classic version of the Mandarin were given a brief moment of hope when the Marvel One Shot All Hail The King was released on the Blu-ray of Thor: The Dark World. The short film shows Trevor Slattery in prison, where he is kidnapped by a member of the 10 Rings organization, and is told he will be taken to see the man whose name was stolen. The Mandarin is real, and he's unhappy.

We've heard little from the 10 Rings and nothing from the Mandarin since then in the MCU but during a recent Reddit AMA Feige was asked if there were any plans to bring them back, and Feige simply replied, "yes."

Feige doesn't say a word beyond the confirmation, so we have no clue how the Mandarin could be coming to the MCU, but rumors and fan theories have suggested the character could play a role in the Shang-Chi movie, which is one of the few titles confirmed by Marvel to be part of Phase 4. Considering the villain is typically presented as Asian, and this is supposed to be "real" version of the character, it would make some sense.

Of course with the slate of as yet untitled films that Marvel Studios recently confirmed release dates for, combined with the fact that a lot of MCU related series are planned for Disney+, there are a lot more places where we could see this "new" character.

On the one hand, as somebody who loved the Iron Man 3 twist because of the way it showed the MCU wasn't married to convention, I was honestly a little disappointed when All Hail the King came out and walked some of it back. Having said that, if the real Mandarin is a strong enough character, then it doesn't really matter.

George Clooney Told Ben Affleck Not To Play Batman

George Clooney Told Ben Affleck Not To Play Batman
Clooney at Batman

It's no secret that superhero movies are everywhere. While all eyes are currently on the contents of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the genre goes back way before Tony Stark announced himself as Iron Man. On the DC side of things, there's been quite a few silver screen adaptations, especially when it comes to iconic heroes like Superman and Batman. The latter was mostly recently played by Ben Affleck, but it turns out that a former Bruce Wayne actually discouraged him from taking the role.

George Clooney had a brief stint as Batman, appearing in the final Joel Schumacher installment, Batman & Robin. The movie itself is known as one of the worst Batman movie, and Clooney has been the butt of countless jokes-- especially when it comes to his Bat nipples. Ben Affleck has officially hung up his cowl and cape, and Clooney recently revealed that he tried to talk him out of the role in the first place. As George Clooney puts it:

I actually did talk to him about it. I said, ‘Don’t do it.’ It was only from my experience, which is, you know.

It's been over 20 years since Batman & Robin hit theaters, and it looks like the experience still stings. Christopher Nolan's Dark Night Trilogy may have proved that a Batman movie could have quality, but that didn't stop George Clooney from discouraging Ben Affleck about taking on the mantle on the big screen.

George Clooney's comments to THR might not come as much of surprise, given how infamous Batman & Robin has become over the years. The over the top blockbuster was the final nail the Batman franchise's coffin, and is widely considered one of the worst movies of all time. So you can't blame Clooney for being a cautious regarding the Dark Knight's life on the big screen.

Ultimately Ben Affleck might have been wise to heed George Clooney's advice, as Batfleck had a rough go as Gotham's Protector. While Affleck brought a hulking physical presence and sense of jadedness to Bruce Wayne, the movies themselves left something to be desired. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was super divisive among the fandom, and sad Affleck became a viral meme.

Related: Ben Affleck Confirms He's Done Playing Batman

Justice League fared even worse critically, and was also a box office flop for the DCEU. And after dealing with substance abuse issues, Ben Affleck decided to drop out of the role, rather than reprising it in Matt Reeves' The Batman. So while it was a longer run as The Bat than George Clooney, Affleck's tenure was ultimately cut short.

The next DC release is Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) on February 7, 2020. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

The Russo Brothers Respond To Avengers: Endgame’s Pre-Sale Numbers

The Russo Brothers Respond To Avengers: Endgame’s Pre-Sale Numbers
Gamora ad War Machine in Endgame

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is coming up on a very exciting time, as 21 movies and a decade of filmmaking are set to collide with Avengers: Endgame. Following the massive success and twist ending of Infinity War, all eyes are on how The Russo Brothers will follow up and continue the MCU's narrative. And clearly moviegoers are excited, as pre-sale tickets recently became available, and essentially broke the internet in the process.

Despite crashing multiple ticket seller's websites and apps, Marvel fans still managed to get their advanced tickets, ensuring they see Endgame without any spoilers ruining the twists and turns. In fact, the pre-sales went on to break records at sellers like Fandango and Atom. Co-directors The Russo Brothers were obviously psyched about this early reception, and took to social media to thank the fans. Check it out.

It looks like The Russo Brothers really appreciate the fandom, and their willingness to shell out money and run to theaters with each new Marvel blockbuster. To co-directors have proven themselves time and time again with their MCU installments, and the entire MCU as we know it will end with Avengers: Endgame.

The Russo Brothers' tweet once again shows how cognizant they are of Marvel fans, and the reception toward the massive shared universe. Marvel Studios always seems aware of fan reception, and has been known to alter things to better fit audiences. For instance, Danai Gurira's name was added to the latest Endgame poster after fans took umbrage with her snub. And just like Marvel is happy to pivot in order to please the audience, The Russo Brother can also celebrate the success and ticket sales of their Avengers movies.

While it's not a surprise that Avengers: Endgame is already breaking records, its still remarkable to see how well the blockbuster is tracking ahead of its release. Marvel movies consistently rake up the cash in the box office, and the anticipation ahead of Endgame is even stronger than normal. Infinity War exceeded all expectations and even picked up an Oscar nomination, but it also left audiences shocked by Thanos' victory. Moviegoers were left to watch in horror as beloved characters faded to dust, and it's been a long year of waiting until Endgame finally arrived to answer our countless questions.

Luckily, the wait is almost over. As such, Marvel Studios has been methodically releasing posters and brief trailers for the upcoming blockbuster. The Russo Brothers also admitted to including fake footage in marketing in order to throw off the fandom, so really anything could happen when Avengers: Endgame finally hits theaters. Which is exactly why so many people rushed to get pre-sale tickets, and break a few records in the process.

Avengers: Endgame will arrive in theaters on April 26th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

If Marvel Retconned X-Men For The MCU, I Wouldn't Shed A Tear

If Marvel Retconned X-Men For The MCU, I Wouldn't Shed A Tear
X-Men: Apocalypse poster

It's a wild time in the X-Men franchise. Fox's second attempt at a movie centered on Phoenix in due in June, and The New Mutants is presumably coming at some point as well. The larger news, however, is that Disney will soon be getting control of the mutants via the Disney-Fox merger, and there's been endless speculation about how the Marvel Cinematic Universe could incorporate the characters. It's either taking the existing lineup of characters and folding them them in, or scrapping the entire franchise and starting from scratch with a reboot.

Truth be told, if Marvel retconned the X-Men franchise to incorporate it into the MCU, I wouldn't shed a single tear. In fact, it's my preferred strategy for the merger at this stage, as incorporating the current characters in with Phase 4 and beyond would be a big mistake. Why? It comes down to a recent revelation I had after seeing the powdery blue new look that Jennifer Lawrence is sporting in Dark Phoenix:

This particular makeup job is arguably representational of the X-Men franchise at large over the years. It started off as one thing, constantly changed over the years, and has varied drastically in quality. Sometimes the franchise is looking good, like Mystique in X-Men: First Class. Then there's the other times where it's been less than good, and it's more like her latest appearance.

There's been good X-Men films, and there's been horrifically bad ones - and it's a level of inconsistency that we thankfully haven't seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Even the Rotten Tomatoes score of Thor: The Dark World is higher than X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and X-Men: Apocalypse. It's gotten to a point where, as an audience, we've come to expect the quality of an upcoming film is a dice roll at best, and that's a problem when it comes to merging the brands.

This is particularly true for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is in the process of saying goodbye to several heroes integral to its success throughout the past decade. It will be a big enough task for Marvel Studios to lay new groundwork and attempt to replicate its success over another decade, and adding the currently existing X-Men franchise to canon would make that so much harder. Hard enough, at least, that one has to sit back and wonder if it's really worth doing at all.

Admittedly bringing the X-Men into the Marvel Universe would potentially net the franchise some solid talent. James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Sophie Turner, and Evan Peters would all make for great additions provided they're on board. That's a big if, though, because let's not forget, Dark Phoenix takes place decades before the events going in the contemporary MCU.

So, either Marvel could age up the characters in makeup, which seems unlikely, or they could continue the continuity with a new set of actors, such as the original X-Men cast. The latter doesn't seem likely, though, given the bulk original X-Men's cast is approaching or beyond 50. Plus, let's remember that, no offense to the rest of the cast, the two main people most fans would want to return are now dead in the X-Men timeline. For years many have begged for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine to appear in an Marvel Cinematic Universe feature, but it's just not a realistic dream to hold anymore. Bringing Jackman back to play the character now would create another plot inconsistency in the X-Men timeline, and kind of shit on the emotional weight and awesomeness of Logan - which also saw the death of the other aforementioned beloved hero: Patrick Stewart's Professor X. There was once a time where this was a great dream to have and fight for, but those days are long gone.

The remaining character in the X-Men continuity seemingly worth keeping around is Deadpool. I count myself among those who want to see his integration happen, but also worry that keeping the X-Men out or rebooting the team for the Marvel Cinematic Universe would keep him from ever being included. The hope is that the Merc With The Mouth's nature could help him in this arena. He's pretty far-removed from the franchise as is, and his fourth-wall breaking abilities make it easy enough for him to outwardly address the elephant in the room in a comedic way rather than having to create some elaborate plot to explain the situation.

Beyond the chance to potentially succeed doing something incredibly challenging, there doesn't seem to be much reason for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to absorb the current X-Men continuity. Doing so would only put the burden of its uneven and sometimes incomprehensible story lines into a universe that's been so well constructed, and basically the gold standard for a shared universe. What's so bad about starting fresh and introducing a rebooted batch of mutants that can carry us into the next decade and beyond? This is especially true when Marvel has story lines like Avengers vs. X-Men, which, while polarizing within the comic book world, would still be an absolute blast to see on the big screen. Plus imagine a future Avengers lineup that includes characters like Cyclops or Storm, or even a new Wolverine. Sure, there may never be another actor to play the character as well as Hugh Jackman, but we'll never know until Hollywood tries someone else.

Do you feel the same way, or do you think there is good reason why the X-Men movies franchise should exist as canon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? You can feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section, and vote in our poll below. Dark Phoenix is due out in theaters June 7th, and New Mutants will be released August 2nd - and it's possible we'll have a much better idea of what the future holds for the X-Men then. Check out the latest international trailer in the meantime, and read what the director had to say about the film's delay.

Avengers: Endgame Is Adding A Post-Credits Scene, And It's Not What You Think

Avengers: Endgame Is Adding A Post-Credits Scene, And It's Not What You Think
Spider-Man and MJ in Far From Home

It goes without saying, but SPOILERS for Avengers: Endgame are ahead!

If you’ve already seen Avengers: Endgame in theaters, you know that unlike every Marvel Cinematic Universe movie before it, it does not have a mid/post-credits scene attached. Instead, the noise of a hammer hitting iron is played, reminding audiences of when Tony Stark escaped that cave all those years ago in Iron Man. However, for its third weekend in theaters, Endgame tacking on extra footage to play after the credits, and while it’s not a scene in the conventional sense, it does show what’s to come.

At the beginning of the week, the second Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer was released, and unlike the teaser, it was packed with Avengers: Endgame spoilers. Now Deadline is reporting that folks who see Endgame this weekend will see a pre-film message from Peter Parker himself, Tom Holland, telling moviegoers to stick around after the credits to watch the latest Far From Home trailer.

It’s not often that you see a movie trailer tagged onto a movie after it’s finished playing. However, it does remind me how back when The Amazing Spider-Man 2 came out, a teaser scene from X-Men: Days of Future Past was shown due to a deal between director Marc Webb and 20th Century Fox. This is a more synergetic move given that Marvel Studios and Sony have partnered up for Spider-Man’s MCU exploits, and it makes even more sense to tack the trailer onto Avengers: Endgame given that while that movie was the last installment of the Infinity Saga, Spider-Man: Far From Home is the last movie of Phase 3.

The latest Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer has been a tremendous success for Sony, as it collected over 135 million views in its first 24 hours online. It was also distinctive for leading with a spoiler warning from Tom Holland, which is ironic given how many sensitive plot details he’s accidentally let slip over the years.

Although Marvel was originally firm on not divulging any specific and juicy details about Avengers: Endgame ahead of time in marketing, starting this week, the studio has opened the proverbial floodgates and gone all in on spoilery content, thus allowing for Spider-Man: Far From Home to address the aftermath of Endgame. Along with Peter Parker getting back into the swing of things after being gone for five years like every other person who was snapped away by Thanos, he’s also mourning the loss of his mentor and father figure, Tony Stark.

However, the biggest revelation in the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer is that a hole has been torn in reality, and Jake Gyllenhaal’s Quentin Beck, a.k.a. Mysterio, claims to be from a different Earth. Given Mysterio’s penchant for illusions and trickery in the comics, we shouldn’t discount the possibility that he’s lying, but given how Avengers: Endgame explored different timelines, the MCU could indeed be setting the stage for a proper multiverse to be brought into the equation.

Avengers: Endgame isn’t leaving theaters anytime soon, and Spider-Man: Far From Home swings into theaters on July 2, so keep checking back with CinemaBlend for more coverage about the sequel. For now, you can learn what else is coming down the MCU pipeline with our comprehensive guide.

How Rocketman's Box Office Opening Compares To Bohemian Rhapsody

How Rocketman's Box Office Opening Compares To Bohemian Rhapsody
Rocketman movie Taron Egerton Elton John

Rocketman has no choice but to be compared with the huge recent hit that was Bohemian Rhapsody. Honestly, there are worse problems. When it comes to the opening box office, the Elton John biopic doesn't quite hold a candle in the wind to killer Queen, but no one expected it to.

Rocketman is rated R and made the bold choice to fully explore Elton John's sex and drugs lifestyle. The movie shows sex scenes between men, and that's still seen as controversial in a few markets, which limits the overall audience. The filmmakers figured that would be the case, but made the decision anyway to be true to Elton's story.

Still, Rocketman actually over-performed from its initial projection of a $20 million domestic opening. It opened to an estimated $25 million opposite very stiff competition. Rocketman opened in third place at the U.S./Canada market, and it has already made more than $30 million overseas at this point for a current worldwide total of $56,200,000, per Box Office Mojo.

Bohemian Rhapsody, on the other hand, had a November 2018 opening weekend of $51 million at the domestic box office.

Taron Egerton plays Elton John in the new biopic and he said he'd be happy to make even half of Bohemian Rhapsody's money. Rocketman is not likely to make that much overall, but the domestic opening was about half of Bohemian's domestic opening. So there you go.

Bohemian Rhapsody and Rocketman semi-share a director in Dexter Fletcher. Fletcher directed all of Rocketman and the very end of Bohemian Rhapsody after Bryan Singer was fired.

Critics have been kinder to Rocketman than Bohemian Rhapsody, but fans gave the Rami Malek/Freddie Mercury movie an A CinemaScore vs. A- for Taron Egerton/Elton John. The Rotten Tomatoes Audience Scores are just about the same so far, but Bohemian has way more overall ratings, so there's no way to compare that fairly quite yet.

Bohemian Rhapsody just kept making money week after week, especially overseas, and also picked up some Oscars. Bohemian Rhapsody made $216.4 million at the domestic box office, which is impressive enough, but it picked up a staggering $687 million at foreign markets for an overall total of $903,655,259. No one saw that coming, and no one expects to see it again anytime soon.

A Star Is Born was also an R-rated music movie -- although not a music biopic -- and it made $42.9 million in its October 2018 opening. Worldwide, it went on to make $434 million.

Rocketman has controversy hurdles to pass, though, when it comes to markets like Russia where gay content is censored. It's possible the censorship will make some fans more eager to buy tickets to support the film anyway in protest. Who knows. As of now, Paramount says it's releasing the film uncut around the world, but local distributors follow their own laws.

Will Rocketman see Oscar glory like Bohemian Rhapsody? The release date will hurt it there, since Rocketman is likely to be lost in the pack once the fall movies arrive. But we'll see. Keep up with everything heading to theaters this year with our 2019 movie release guide.